firefighter health

Hello baby...

Baby cyst. Hello baby ovarian cyst twins to be exact.

Today I had my Suppression Check ultrasound appointment. After taking birth control for ten days in order to allow Seattle Reproductive Medicine to “take the reigns” of my cycle, today was the day we used ultrasound to check for follicles, cysts, and observe the uterine lining. Unfortunately, two cysts were observed in the right ovary.

one of two cysts found in the right ovary

one of two cysts found in the right ovary

This is not what you want to hear at your Suppression Check. After the cysts were found, a blood draw was performed to measure the level of Estrogen in my blood. Some cysts produce Estrogen, some don’t. If they do produce Estrogen, it can interfere with follicle development when you start hormone injections for IVF. In order to start an IVF cycle, Estrogen levels need to be less than 70 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL). Results from my blood draw confirmed that my cysts are the type that produce Estrogen. My Estrogen level was 199.4 pg/mL. A no-go for IVF.

Next steps are to continue birth control for the next four days, and go in for another ultrasound exam next Tuesday. The hope will be that the cysts go away on their own, but in the case that they don’t, we have to wait for me to have a period and then start the process over from the beginning.

I’m choosing to keep a positive attitude until my appointment next Tuesday. After that, I make no promises that I won’t drown my sorrows in a couple margaritas if we have to put off IVF for another month. If we do have to delay, the sorrow will be temporary and then we’ll dust ourselves off, get back on the IVF horse, and charge forth for another round of Let’s Make a Baby.